viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Soluciones 4º Primaria (Sesiones 1 y 2)



4. Preguntas y respuestas.

- What's she doing? She's writing a note.
- What are we doing? We're writing a note.
- What are you doing? You're writing a note
- What are they doing? They're writing a note.

6. Audio.

1. Imagen 6
2. Imagen 5
3. Imagen 8
4. Imagen 7
5. Imagen 4
6. Imagen 1 


1. Completa.

1. They're playing tennis
2. They're listening to the radio.
3. They're eating a pizza.
4. They're singing a song.
5. They're reading a comic.
6. They're watching a film.

2. Contesta.

1. They're painting.
2. They're reading a book.
3. They're playing football.
4. They're skateboarding.
5. They're watering the plants.
6. They're taking photos.

3. Escribe oraciones

2. She's watering tomatoes at the city farm.
3. I´m dancing in the theatre.
4. He's swimming in the water park.
5. She's running in the stadium.
6. I'm riding a pony at the castle. 

4. Preguntas y respuestas.

1. What's he doing? He's drinking water.
2. What's she doing? She's taking photos.
3. What's she doing? She's eating an apple.
4. What's he doing? He's playing basketball.

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INFANTIL SESIÓN 4 ¡HOLA! 1. Empezamos cantando Are you ready to sing? 2. Vamos a la playa let´s go to the beach? 3. ...