domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

Soluciones 5º Primaria (Sesiones 5 y 6)



3. Responde a las preguntas. Página 53.

  1. There was a terrible storm.
  2. She lives in Tregellan.
  3. There were two people (She and her dad)
  4. She was very good at rowing.
  5. It was broken
  6. Her surname is Penross.

1. Escucha y escribe True o False. Página 54.

1.F  2.F   3.T   4.T   5.F  SESIÓN 6

1. Completa las preguntas y respuestas.
2.Was she sporty? Yes, she was            5.Was I brave? Yes, I was.

3.Was I naughty? No, I wasn’t               6.Were we hard-working? Yes, we were.

4.Were they frindly? Yes, they were    7.Was she artistic? No, she wasn’t

                                                                    8.Were you quiet? No, I wasn’t / No, You weren’t.
2. Escribe. Página 54.-
1.There were   2.There wasn’t a   3.There was   4.There were   5.There weren’t   
6.There was   7.There weren’t   8.There weren’t

3. Preguntas y respuestas.
2.Were there two bananas on the desk? No, there weren’t. There was a banana on the desk.
3.Was there a notebook on the desk? Yes, there was.
4.Was there a dictionary on the desk? No, there wasn’t.
5. Were there two calculators on the desk? No, there weren’t. There was a calculator.

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INFANTIL SESIÓN 4 ¡HOLA! 1. Empezamos cantando Are you ready to sing? 2. Vamos a la playa let´s go to the beach? 3. ...