sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020

Soluciones 6º Primraia (Sesiones 1 y 2)



4. Completa con nombres.

1. Megan; 2. Daisy; 3. Megan, 4. Joel; 5. Daisy; 6. Megan.


1. Cambia la forma afirmativa por la forma negativa.

2. You're going to stay at home.
3. They aren't going to take a compass.
4. He isn't going to climb a mountain.
5. We are going to tell ghost stories.
6. She is going to buy a torch.
7. You aren't going to go camping.

2. Completa.

1. 's going to
2. isn't going to
3. aren't going to
4. is going to
5. are going to
6. isn't going to
7. aren't going to
8. isn't going to

3. Contesta.

1. No, I'm not
2. Yes, they are
3. Yes, he is
4. No, she isn't
5. No, I am not
6. Yes, we are

4. Escribe preguntas y respuestas.

2. Is Mike going to practise the violin on Thursday? No, he isn't
3. Are Claire and Mike going to tidy the classroom on Tuesday? Yes, they are
4. Is Mike going to walk the dog on Wednesday? Yes, he is
5. Are Mike and Claire going to watch a film on Friday? No, they aren't

5. Elige.

1. map
2. water bottle
3. waterproof
4. torch
5. sun cream
6. compass
7. sleeping bag
8. tent

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